#RAGECAMP is a three-week performative workshop held at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, directed by artist Melanie Bonajo in collaboration with the 3rd year Bachelor of Photography students, in Autumn 2020.
#RAGECAMP is a futuristic survival piece reflecting on rage as a tool for transformation, creation, collectivity, ritual and performance using self and group as a medium within the confinement of time, space, body, action, material and eventually the various combinations of all five elements.
#RAGECAMP is a somatic, intuitive and improv driven space built on chaos and care.
#RAGECAMP is a place of science-fiction in which our emotional-collaborative, cosmic-crafty, pervi-performative, slimy-irrational, non-linear, participatory, release feast, comical seance dimensions are encouraged to come together in full galore.
#RAGECAMP is not about documenting collective desire, but the desire for collectivity. You are encouraged to collaborate at all times.
#RAGECAMP is an appeal to imagination tracing and unweaving the various layers and threads of the global matrix inside yourself.
#RAGECAMP is a non-apologetic space.
#RAGECAMP functions as both a platonic ideal and imminent catastrophism. Within this negational model of utopia and reality, ecology and technology, humor and rage, you are invited to explore the encampment of your own emotional landscape, enclosed within your #RAGE #RAGECAMP.
Guest artist:
Melanie Bonajo
David Benito Py
Axel Bruniau
Jenna Callewaert
Emeline Courcier
Sarah Koeke
Antoine Martin
Marie Noury
Sofia Papaefthymiou
Caroline Perrenoud
Alizée Quinche
Clara Roumégoux
Steven Rüthy
Justine Willa
Lara Ziörjen
Head of Photography:
Milo Keller
Elisa Ribeiro
Web development:
Florian Amoser
Graphic Design:
Thomas Le Provost